Yennifer Hernandez
Forwarder – Team MMA 1Yennifer Hernandez has studied international transport logistics and got in touch with Begoma around the same time she was about to enter her first internship. Before studying, she worked with internal logistics services at Tetra Pak.
– I was born in Chile and came to Sweden and Lilla Edet when I was two years old. In 2009 I moved to Malmö to start working at Tetra Pak, and I’ve stayed ever since, says Yennifer, who lives with her family in Johanneslust in Malmö.
At Begoma, she works as a freight broker.
– Our customers have many different transport needs, ranging from domestic to cross-trade as we call it, i.e. from Finland to Italy and from Italy to Germany, she explains. A lot is going on at the same time, which makes the job exciting and varied. One day you’re talking to a CEO of a big company, and the next, you’re talking to a customer who’s loading himself. You talk to people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds and I enjoy that a lot.
At Tetra Pak, Yennifer was nominated as a service ambassador, which meant that she had to attend a training course to coach her colleagues to be better at providing service. Being service-minded is something she benefits from in her role.
– I believe in working proactively and having a positive attitude. The job involves a social interaction where my colleagues and I need to be service-minded to understand our customers the best way possible. It’s also important to keep your head cool during stressful situations.
Yennifer, who has worked as a volunteer leader at the Red Cross, believes that it’s impossible to do everything yourself, but we can do a lot together. And she wants to do her part to make the world a better place.
– I always try to think positively and spend my time doing things that bring me good energy. I’m always up and running, have diving certificates, like good food and love to dance salsa. So even though there are times I probably should clean my home, I’d rather prioritize family, dancing, and friends. I have a hunger for life!