Johan Åkesson
Team leader – Team MMA 2Johan Åkesson from Österlen has worked as a Forwarder at Begoma since 2015 and has a solid background in sports.
– I worked as an advertising consultant before joining Begoma, but my background is within sports. I have played football at an elite level, trained as a sports consultant at Bosön and worked as a PE teacher in Malmö, he says.
At Begoma, Johan works as a freight forwarder and specializes in selling transport to hauliers.
– We are an intermediary where we offer a service to the customer and keep the customer up to date throughout the transport, from start to finish. It’s an exciting process, and there is always something happening along the way, so it’s important to announce what’s going on to build a good relationship, Johan explains.
The freight group he works with has the highest turnover at Begoma, which sometimes can result in a lot of work.
– It’s important that we follow up on all transports, but also that we trust each other in the group. We know that anything can happen! Weather, police checks, too much weight or ferries being cancelled can delay transport and you always have to find a solution. You need to be a great problem solver, but I like it! It’s also important to maintain a high level of service and have structure to make good business, says Johan.
He lives with his partner and two little girls, Elli and Evia, in Malmö. He spends his spare time with his family, but he’s also plays football, especially with Limhamns FF.