Iveta Chaloupkova
Forwarder assistent – BackofficeIveta Chaloupková was born in Opocno pod Orlickymi horami and grew up in Kostelec and Orlici in the Czech Republic. In upper secondary school she studied Hotel and tourism, which she complemented with Graduation exam and a First Certificate in English.
She’s worked with several companies where she’s been responsible for foreign customers and suppliers, making purchase orders, controlling stock and invoices, preparing documents for customs departments etc.
”I’ve, for instance, worked at the export order desk
at ESAB Europe, providing customer service for their business units all over the world. And my latest employment before Begoma was at the export department of the Czech company Union Cosmetics. Before that I worked as dispatcher at TTV Spedition, where I took care of one of their biggest customers,” says Iveta.
”I like the job as assistant forwarder where you have to be very communicative and where there’s always something happening. I’ve also got very nice colleagues and managers, and appreciate that Begoma is a family company,” she adds.
Iveta has been with us since June 2018, and her knowledge of the transportation network in Europe and experience of purchasing international logistics solutions are great assets for us and our customers.
She describes herself as a responsible, happy and social person. And she lives in a house in Tyniste nad Orlici, where Begoma’s Czech branch office is located, together with her husband and their son and daughter, age 8 and 6. ”I like to be outdoors and my hobbies include taking care of our garden and our dog, biking and travelling, among other activities,” she concludes.